Date: Aug. 16, 2016

Detroit, MI —Metro Detroit Diaper Bank is pleased to announce a $5,000 grant from Aetna aimed at increasing support for low income families of children, youth and seniors in need of diapers. This funding will help parents and care givers provide a clean dry diaper for their children and/ or senior. “These funds will significantly increase our capacity and ability to provide a critical resource and education to low income families who may face unique challenges caring for a child or senior that requires diapers. To have Aetna support us in these endeavors is greatly appreciated,” said Veronica Claybrone, Founder and Director of the Metropolitan Detroit Diaper Banks.

Millions of families struggle every day to provide an adequate supply of diapers for their children and/or seniors and that is unacceptable. Small things, diapers, affect big things, including a family’s physical, mental and economic wellbeing. Diapers matter. And, for families in need, diaper banks frequently provide the only resources available to help moms, dads, grandparents and others obtain clean diapers needed to keep a child or a senior healthy.

Government assistance programs—such as food stamps and WIC—do not provide funding for diapers, a basic necessity for babies. There are currently millions of infants and toddlers living in low-income families, many of whom their parents face a daily struggle to secure a necessary supply of diapers.

The Metropolitan Detroit Diaper Bank and its partners help address diaper need by collecting, storing and distributing free diapers to families experiencing financial hardship. The Metropolitan Detroit Bank obtains diapers through local diaper drives, in-kind donations by manufacturers and retailers, and by the bulk purchase of diapers directly with donated funds.

We are so pleased to support The Metro Detroit Diaper Bank and all the children and families their work will help,” said Beverly Allen, Chief Executive Officer of Aetna Better Health of Michigan. “We are proud to provides access to health care services for Medicaid recipients in Michigan. We are committed to work with the community, our members, our provider partners, the State, and nonprofits like the Metro Detroit Diaper Bank, to improve access to care, quality of care, positive member experiences and affordability of care.”